Karen’s Korner
Author news and events, plus encouragement and resources for healthy hearts, homes, and families. Welcome and happy reading! ❤️
Introducing the 5-Minute Parenting Podcast
Check out the 5-Minute Parenting Podcast! Tips to help you raise competent, God-confident kids! New episodes go live every Thursday at 6:00amEST.
One simple practice to boost your mood and improve your outlook
Here is one simple practice that will boost your mood and improve your outlook - just in time for the busy holidays!
Mother Earth vs. Creator God?
Let’s put the focus of Earth Month back where it belongs, onto our Creator God! Read on for three simple God-honoring ways you can celebrate earth month with your elementary age children + download a FREE activity workbook!
Three tips for growing biblical literacy in young children
Let’s be counter-cultural and make biblical literacy a priority in our homes. It’s the key to the development of strong, God-confident identities in our kids. Here are three simple habits to help!
Growing godly relationships: 5 important things to teach your child about being a good friend ❤️
Healthy relationships are vital to your child’s wellbeing and quality of life. Here are 5 importont things to teach your child about being a good friend.
The best way to help your child develop a healthy identity
As a parent you have incredible influence on your children’s lives. Here’s one of the BEST ways to help shape their identity, so they will be strong and secure in who they are and their purpose in life.