Jump into the Bible with Lucy and her Papa Joe as they discover unique periods in Bible history and learn all about God’s never-ending love. ⬇️
Books one and two now available in this seven part picture book series. Book three coming soon! 🌈
Book 2 Now Available!
Book 2 Now Available!
When Lucy comes across some old family pictures, she has a lot of questions for Papa Joe.
Who are these people?
Why doesn’t she look like them?
As Papa Joe tells Lucy about her family, he shares with her the uniqueness that God created in each of us from the very beginning, all the way back to our first ancestors, Adam and Eve.
What follows is a wild adventure through the Bible, where Lucy and her papa discover God’s love and faithfulness for all people throughout all of history.
In this second book in the Questions for Kids series, discover how much God loves diversity and how God created your family in the most beautiful and perfect way.
“A trip through an old family photo album leads Lucy and Papa Joe to a trip through the Bible and a look at the very first family. With its fresh look at the story of Adam and Eve and the Fall, Guess Who Is in God’s Family is both thoughtful and reassuring, reminding readers that God still has a good plan for His family of people. Though, “We may look different, . . . we are all created in God’s image,” and He loves us all. A list of key Bible verses at the end points children (and grownups) to the Savior and God’s great rescue plan!”
Tama Fortner, bestselling and ECPA award-winning author of more than sixty books
Book 1: Guess How Much God Loves You
Delight the hearts and minds of the special children in your life as they journey back to Creation with Lucy Lu and her Papa Joe. In this exciting series kick-off adventure, kids will learn all about God’s marvelous, majestic world and His never-changing, never-failing, never-ending love!
“Why should I believe God loves me? What a relatable question! In this heartwarming book, Karen Ferguson takes her readers on a journey through the Creation story to reveal the loving attention and intricate detail with which God made the whole world—including you!” Christina Pfister, Well Versed, LLC
Also available on Amazon Barnes and Noble AND Bookshop.
Order your copy of the first book in the Questions for Kids series. Teach them all about the never-changing, never-failing, never-ending love of God! Now available on Amazon or wherever books are sold.
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21-day devotional designed for the busy person.
No one is immune to the stresses of daily life. The unrelenting demands of work, home, finances, and relationships can be overwhelming and can have a serious effect on our health and well-being. If we let it. Yet, in the midst of all the chatter, chaos, and clutter, God’s still, small voice calls out to us to choose a better way. A way of peace and greater well-being.
Join the journey, and discover a balanced, whole-being approach to wellness that is centered on the spirit-breathed Word of God.
Inspiring and practical, each daily devotional explores one of the 7 Dimensions of Wellness that contribute to optimal well-being and presents a My Daily Breath section that includes one or more of the following:
•A song recommendation for inspiration
•A verse for meditation
•A question for reflection
•A tool for practical application
God’s promise of peace is available to us all. We only need to slow down, pursue Him, and breathe deep.