Oh, to be a kid again…
To have all that extra energy and enthusiasm for life! To not overthink things and just accept people and circumstances at face value. To be quick to forgive and make friends. Children naturally have many wonderful qualities that I would like to keep a part of my life, including a mind full of curiosity and wonder!
Oh to be a kid again… 🤗
As a grandmom and middle-aged author, I may not be able to capture certain things from my youth, but I can periodically put myself in the shoes of a child through the power of stories!
There are many reasons I enjoy writing children’s books, but if I had to narrow down my motivation to just one word, it would be…
Children are impressionable, which can be a good thing, but not at the expense of critically thinking about the anti-God, anti-Bible, and anti-morality messages targeted at them. The Bible says we battle not against flesh and blood but against spiritual powers and principalities (Ephesians 6:12). Well, the enemy is working overtime to normalize lifestyles that contradict what the Bible says is good and true, and it’s clear he’s using children’s books as a tactic. Have you heard what’s been happening in libraries lately? There is an obvious agenda to change the worldview of this next generation.
Without a doubt, children are highly influenced by stories; and picture books are the beginning point of what can be a lifelong love of books. Books teach children about the world around them, and can impact their sense of purpose in the world, and their understanding of right and wrong. Many times children’s stories help prepare young people for new opportunities and the next stage of maturity.
This is why I write children’s books.
I want to be part of influencing this next generation for GOOD, by creating counter-cultural books that are healthy for mind, body, and spiritual development. I want to write stories that are God-honoring and life-giving. I want to see a generation of God-confident kids rise up, understanding they are precious in God’s eyes, that He created them in His image, and that He has a GOOD purpose for them. But how will they know unless they are taught? I believe biblically-based books can be a powerful teaching force for change. When you merge God’s written word with creative, engaging stories, you will pull young readers into something that will influence their eternity!
Another thing I love about kids is they have a LOT of questions! This is why I’m so grateful to partner with my publisher Ambassador International on a book series titled Questions for Kids, where readers journey with the main characters, Lucy and her Papa Joe, into unique periods of Bible history, getting answers to life’s important questions and learning all about God’s never-changing, never-failing, never-ending love. The second book in the series is now available, with at least five more to come!
If you’re looking to promote reading and biblical literacy to this next generation, hoping to instill within young readers a love for the Bible and for books, then grab your copies and share with someone special. If you don’t have kids or grandkids yourself, share with a neighbor, co-worker, teacher, or librarian. You’ll be planting seeds for eternity!
Order your copies on Amazon, through my website at https://www.karenferg.com/shop, or wherever books are sold!
BOOK # 2 - Guess Who Is in God’s Family
Guess Who Is in God's Family, Karen Ferguson's latest children's book is now available, perfect for young readers ages 5-10!
This second book in the Questions for Kids picture book series jumps into the Bible once again, this time going back to the Garden of Eden, where readers meet Adam, Eve, and a sneaky serpent who caused trouble for the first family, and for families ever since. What will God do when His people disobey? The answer may surprise you.
Guess Who Is in God’s Family is a beautifully illustrated, biblically-based account of the Garden that showcases the beauty and diversity with which our Creator made the human family and His Good Plan for us from the very beginning, driving home the timeless truth that God’s love is never-changing, never-failing, and never-ending.
From the back cover:
When Lucy comes across some old family pictures, she has a lot of questions for Papa Joe.
• Who are these people?
• Why doesn’t she look like them?
As Papa Joe tells Lucy about her family, he shares with her the uniqueness that God created in each of us from the very beginning, all the way back to our first ancestors, Adam and Eve.
What follows is a wild adventure through the Bible, where Lucy and her papa discover God’s love and faithfulness for all people throughout all of history.
In this second book in the Questions for Kids series, discover how much God loves diversity and how God created your family in the most beautiful and perfect way.
BOOK # 1 - Guess How Much God Loves You
Take your child(ren) on an adventure through God’s Creation as recorded in Genesis, and teach them three simple but powerful truths: God is the Creator of the world, God created them in His image, and God loves them ❤️
From the Back Cover:
Guess How Much God Loves You is the story of seven-year-old Lucy Lu, a colorful, creatively curious first-grader, who is starting to have serious questions about God. How old is He? Does He sleep? What does He do all day? And the biggest one of all-does God love me? After one particularly hard day of being bullied by her classmates at school, Lucy feels like she doesn’t matter. She sits with Papa Joe, who has promised to answer her questions about God, launching them onto a journey to discover God's never-changing, never-failing, never-ending love. What follows is a wild adventure through the Bible, where Lucy and her papa find themselves in the middle of each page of the exciting story of God's love and faithfulness for all people throughout all of history.
Karen Ferguson is a freelance writer and the author of the Questions for Kids picture book series. A lover of words, family, animals, and Jesus, Karen is a passionate advocate for truth that transforms lives. Her mission is to write stories that grab and hold young readers’ attentions, teaching them all about God’s unchangeable truths and His unchanging love for them. Karen is married to her best friend. They have two grown daughters, a growing tribe of dearly loved grandchildren, and one crazy golden retriever furbaby. Her favorite part of the week is eating dark chocolate and spending time with her family exploring new places. You can follow her on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram and sign up for her free newsletter to be the first to know about special events, book updates, freebies and giveaways.
Karen Ferguson, Grateful Author